Babinski sign

  • 网络巴彬斯基征;巴氏征;巴宾斯基征;儿巴氏征;脚底反射
Babinski signBabinski sign
  1. Babinski sign is not only one of the most common signs in neurology , but also one of the most reliable signs reflecting the damage of pyramidal tract .


  2. No abnormality seen in admission body temperature , routine blood test , and ECG , biochemical test results have not been received , and Babinski sign ( - ) .


  3. There were significantly difference in headache , vomit , neck rigidity , disorders of consciousness , both Babinski sign positive compared with cerebral hemorrhage group ( P < 0.01 ) .


  4. RESULTS Spasticity in lower extremities got lessened in all patients ( 100 % ), which showed decreasing of muscle tone , disappearance or decrease of ankle tremor and Babinski sign .


  5. Results During the follow up of 3 to 6 months , all the sixteen patients showed decreasing of the muscular spasticity , disappearance or relief of the ankle tremor and Babinski sign .


  6. As the disease progressed slowly , the patients presented with spastic paralysis of four extremities , reduced muscle strength ( 3 to 4 degree ), clasp-knife like of muscular tension , hyperactivity of tendon reflexes , ankle clonus and presence of Babinski sign .


  7. Hypermyotonia and ⅳ - level myodynamia in both lower extremities , tendon hyperreflexia , knee cap clonus ( + ), ankle clonuses ( + ), Babinski sign ( + ), and flexion pathologic reflexes ( + );


  8. Presented with a characteristic clinical Picture of acute onset , apparent psychiatric symptoms and obvious disturbance of consciousness , accompanied by convulsion , incontinence of urine , muscular hypertonia of extremities and bilateral or unilateral positive Babinski 's sign .


  9. Results The main clinical manifestation were coma , fixed pupils , dilated pupil , quadriplegia , bilateral Babinski ′ s sign ( + ) .
